Libra is a sign of the zodiac in Vedic Astrology that is characterized by diplomacy and fairness. They are described as maintaining neutrality and being non-confrontational in most cases. However, like all zodiac signs, there are certain things that can trigger anger in Libras.
In this article, I will explore what makes Libras downright angry by communicating original research that I conducted on the topic with 54 Libra natives from all walks of life.
Although everyone identified unfairness/injustice as being the major factor that elicits anger in them, a number of other catalysts emerged, including one that caused them internalized anger. Keep reading to learn about the top ten things that cause Libras to be angry.
A simple description of the study
Study participants were recruited throughout the year 2020 from various Vedic Astrology practices in the USA, EU, and India. Each participated in a short guided interview that explored things that made them angry or very annoyed. Interviews were then compiled and analyzed to identify emergent themes in participants’ responses. These themes and sub-themes then were combined based upon similarity to yield a total of 10 things that anger Libras the most. I present them below according to the frequency that they were mentioned in the interviews.
- Unfairness/Injustice
- Being deliberately ignored or excluded.
- Disrespect/Not showing common courtesy.
- Failing to stand up for themselves.
- Being interrupted.
- People acting rudely.
- Gaslighting/Liars.
- Double standards/A sense of entitlement.
- Narcissism.
- People deliberately starting arguments.
I discuss each of these in order below along with some accompanying quotes from participants that provide specific examples.
Unfairness and injustice
Unfairness/injustice topped the list of things that make Libras angry, with all participants identifying it as the most important anger trigger, as well as the one that elicited the strongest response in them. To understand this, we need to delve into the characteristics and symbolism of Libra itself.
Libra is symbolized by a balanced scale. In Western Astrology, the symbol typically is referenced as the scales of justice. However, Vedic Astrology views it more in terms of a scale that is used in a marketplace. This interpretation emphasizes that a transaction must benefit both parties equally.
In today’s world, systems of justice are not always balanced and fair. They are more often characterized by competition between prosecuting and defense attorneys. The accused is lost in the battle because individual cases are not as important as the attorney’s overall scorecard – the number of cases won compared to the number of cases lost. However, in a marketplace, fairness reigns supreme.
How? Aren’t people cheated in a marketplace?
Yes, at times they are. However, if a merchant wants to stay in business he or she must ensure that their transactions are fair – ones that mutually benefit both parties. The merchant makes a reasonable profit and the client receives a product or a service that they need and is of the quality that they expect.
For this reason, Vedic Astrology favors the more objective representation of fairness in the marketplace over the more subjective one of justice in the courtroom. This is strengthened by the fact that in the marketplace, negotiations occur between the buyer and the seller. Together they determine what is fair. However, it is different in systems of justice. Negotiations take place between prosecuting and defense attorneys with a judge as arbitrator. The accused is silenced.
Whichever interpretation of the balanced scale you favor, it is clear that it signifies that fairness and justice are integral to the Libra personality. The symbol also is an indicator of how Libras mentally and emotionally pass judgment.
“I become very upset if I see others tearing people down for being different or unusual.”
Libras sometimes are described as being indecisive. However, this may be a somewhat inaccurate assessment. What appears to be indecisiveness actually could be them weighing their observations and feelings against facts in any given situation. This could cause a Libra to be slow in coming to a judgment or reaching a point of anger. The challenge for Libras is to guard against becoming stuck in a cycle of rumination over an ever-expanding assortment of minute details such that they are incapable of arriving at a decision.
If a Libra does display anger, it likely means they have weighed the factors of the situation to the fullest extent that they are capable and have reached a conclusion that angers them.
For a broader examination of Libra, I recommend that you refer to our guide about Libras.
Is it unfairness, injustice, or both?
From an emotional perspective – and, let’s face it, anger is an emotion with a lot of heat – Libra natives don’t make much of a distinction between unfairness and injustice. Their response to both is pretty much the same. They will be upset. At times they will be outraged.
“I get really angry when friends expect me to back up their unfair treatment of others.”
This is not an occasion in which Libras will spend a lot of time deliberating about whether a situation or treatment is unfair or unjust. It simply is what it is. However, they probably will engage in an intense internal debate about what they should do about the specific occurrence and their associated anger about it.
This can apply both to instances in which the Libra personally is treated unfairly or ones in which they witness someone else being treated in an unjust manner. However, it is more likely that witnessing unfairness, rather than personally experiencing it, will cause the Libra to express their anger publicly.
In instances where Libra natives are treated unfairly, they may find it difficult to properly weigh the situation due to other aspects of their personality. Libras typically want to maintain neutrality and avoid conflict or confrontation. For this reason, when they are the subject of unfair treatment, Libra natives likely will choose a path that does not result in arguing or anger being expressed.
Conversely, when Libras witnesses another person being treated unjustly, they tend to be more capable of maintaining a sense of objectivity and weighing the situation properly. While they might excuse such behaviors aimed at themselves in lieu of avoiding conflict, Libras are more likely to stand up for others and to push for fairness in their situations.
Libra natives prefer not to act impulsively or out of sheer emotion. Instead, they tend to carefully contemplate their next moves and decisions. Therefore, a Libra will become upset over unfairness when they are forced to come to a conclusion before they have been given the opportunity to fully weigh both ends of a scenario.
Being deliberately ignored or excluded

All participants identified this as a trigger for their anger. Let’s face it, no one particularly enjoys being ignored or excluded. It makes us feel that we are not important to others. Exclusionary behavior often can occur in women’s groups, in which they express disapproval through ostracization.
“I get extremely annoyed when it seems like someone isn’t truly listening to what I’m saying.”
Being ignored possibly is a bigger problem for Libras than for other zodiac signs. This is because Libra natives are process oriented, meaning that they take time to weigh options or opinions before making decisions. They want you to know about their process of arriving at their choices. It is important to them.
Disrespect/Not showing common courtesy
This is another theme that was common among all participants in the study. It can cause Libra natives to react strongly. This is consistent with their personality. They like to keep the peace and feel very uncomfortable in tension-filled disrespectful environments. They dislike conflict and confrontation.
“I become very upset when people don’t show up on time. If they call or text me that they are running late, that’s okay. But if they don’t, I consider this to be an egregious form of disrespect. It’s like a clock starts ticking in my head. Each tick gets louder and louder and I get angrier and angrier.”
A person showing disrespect or a lack of common courtesy instantly creates tension in those around them. For Libras the situation is intolerable. They are incensed by unjust treatment but their need to diffuse the situation creates an internal conflict that is difficult to resolve.
Failing to stand up for themselves
All but two participants reported that some of their most intense anger is directed inward. This is a remarkable finding because the interviews were oriented toward exploring external catalysts for their anger.
“I am my own harshest judge.”
Anger directed inwardly at yourself festers inside. Generally, it is an attempt to control and contain the frightening emotion of anger in you. It is indeed scary for Libras because anger disrupts harmony and they have a deep desire to preserve it.
Unfortunately, anger turned inward eventually escapes as inappropriate outbursts directed toward undeserving and unsuspecting people, a display of unfairness that is the number one catalyst for anger in Libras. It creates a vicious cycle of repressed anger that leads to distasteful outbursts that result in more internalized anger.
“Not at the moment. It’s after the fact. I’m burning up inside because I let something slide and didn’t stand up for myself just to keep the peace.”
The source of Libra’s internal anger centers on their perceived inability to stand up for themselves. They recognize that this is a problem, but seem helpless to do anything about it. Their desire to maintain harmony simply is too strong. As mentioned earlier, Libra natives tend to be much more inclined to defend others than to advocate for themselves.
Suppressed anger is toxic and can lead to an array of negative health outcomes. The solution for Libras is to learn to experience their anger at the moment, honor the feeling and then release it in an appropriate manner.
Being interrupted
It stands to reason that if Libra natives don’t like being ignored, they also would be upset if they are interrupted. Being interrupted during conversation was the most common trigger. However, other forms of disruption also were mentioned, such as interrupting their concentration and disrupting their peace. For example, participants reported becoming angry when someone interrupts them when they are watching a television program or a movie. Others mentioned boisterous behavior or people seemingly broadcasting their excessively loud music to everyone in their vicinity.
“I get really pissed off when someone talks over me. What? Their words are more important than mine? No way!”
Interruptions are tolerated by Libras if the person excuses themselves. At least the offending person is showing common courtesy by acknowledging the interruption. However, they still report being annoyed.
People acting rudely
Being rude to a person that has been nothing but polite will automatically enrage a Libra. Rudeness or personal attacks, in general, show a lack of respect and objectivity, with the main goal being to throw hurtful or abusive comments at a person.
“I have no patience for rudeness and people that tolerate it.”
This type of situation can especially upset Libras if they have tried to deescalate the situation only to encounter further rudeness. Although they will try their best to avoid conflict, once angered a Libra can become very sharp-tongued and sarcastic.
Gaslighting and Liars
Gaslighting is when a person covertly manipulates you by sowing seeds of doubt, making you question your own memory, perception, or judgment. Many participants reported that they have difficulty detecting gaslighting at the time of occurrence. This alone angers them. They describe the person doing it as a thief, as though they have stolen something of value from them that they didn’t realize until later.
But it wasn’t just gaslighting that ignited the ire of participants. It was any type of lying or underhanded behavior, as the quote reveals below.
“What angers me? I hate lies, misrepresentations, fraud, traitors, people without principle, the two-faced, and shallowness.”
Politics and political media are the arenas where gaslighting is most commonly recognized. It occurs in political administrations around the globe. However, gaslighting is most prevalent in interpersonal relationships, especially those in dating and in the workplace. These are the instances on which participants of the study primarily focused.
“Every time I disagree with my boss, he twists it around to make it seem like I have an agenda against him or that I am somehow psychologically disturbed.”
Libra natives appear to be particularly susceptible to gaslighting because of their tendency to listen to the ideas and opinions of others first before listening to their own.
Double standards and a sense of entitlement
A double standard exists when rules and principles are socially or legally enforced asymmetrically. Typically, this involves a loosely defined entitled group, such as the privileged, receiving more lenient or favorable treatment compared to a non-entitled group for whom standards are applied more rigorously and harshly. Examples of this abound, ranging from double standards in systems of justice to the asymmetric application of moral codes for women and men.
Entitlement harkens back to the days when countries were ruled by Kings, Queens and others of royalty. Nobility expected and were afforded special privileges and recognition by virtue of their “title” bestowed by the ruler and not for something that they had earned. Although the days of royalty and serfs for the most part have passed, entitlement still is rampant today in the forms of racism, ethnocentrism, and social or wealth status, to name a few. Put simply, a person with a sense of entitlement believes that they have “title” over others in some matter.
“I am very upset when people really can’t see that what they are expecting or demanding from others is something they would never do themselves. And I get really angry when I point out a double standard and people act like they don’t know what I’m talking about or just don’t care.”
It is important to understand that double standards are an expression of entitlement. An individual believes that they are entitled to special treatment usually because of a reason that is unrelated to the standard itself. For example, an individual is apprehended in the commission of a crime, but subsequently is released because they made a sizeable donation the previous year to a local politician’s reelection campaign.
It should come as no surprise why double standards and entitlement enrage Libra natives. They are the epitome of unfair and unjust treatment. They simply cannot tolerate them.
Narcissism is when a person seeks gratification from an excessive interest in, or admiration of, their idealized self-image and their physical appearance. There may be no better contemporary example of narcissism than the behavior of former president of the USA Donald J. Trump. The entire world was witness to it.
Narcissism causes Libra natives to be irate because the person showing it lacks humility. The Vedic sage Parashara describes Libra as being as Sudra or servant, a person that is is not egotistical, but instead is humble, altruistic, and devoted. These qualities are the diametric opposite of narcissism.
Another reason that Libra natives would be upset by narcissistic behavior is because it is an outward expression of selfishness and entitlement.
People deliberately starting arguments
Many participants identified this as a trigger for their anger. Remember. Libra natives are oriented towards preserving harmony. An argument is the opposite of that.
Some people appear to be inclined to start arguments. The reason isn’t always apparent. They just seem to enjoy stirring things up. They thrive on conflict and often see it as a form of competition. They are energized by it.
The converse it true for Libra natives. Participants reported being drained of energy by this behavior. It makes them very angry.
Libra natives view people that deliberately start arguments as being selfish. They are narcissists that only care about their own personal gratification. Libras not only become incensed by this, but also by the fact that they have to “clean up the mess” and return things to a peaceful condition. This saps them of their energy.
How do Libra’s deal with anger?
For the most part, Libras will try to deal with unjust situations as fairly and diplomatically as possible. However, as I mentioned, Libras can become snappy, sarcastic, and verbally combative. This is generally the result of the Libra’s attempts at peacekeeping being ignored or shut down.
“I do what Virgo’s do and slice them up like a surgeon with my words.”
For those on the receiving end of Libra’s anger, it likely will be displayed in a passive-aggressive manner. Even in anger, Libras will want the punishment that they serve to be fair. Thus, the person on the other end is most likely to be ignored while the Libra decides how they truly feel and wish to act. However, their indecisiveness sometimes can prevent them from acting.
“I often just stew with my anger burning me up inside. I don’t like it, but I can’t figure out what to do.”
The biggest punishment to expect from a Libra will be a mental judgment that may be difficult to erase. The Libra will likely forgive, but they won’t forget. A Libra’s trust will have to be won back in this instance.
To win back their trust, you have to attempt to restore the balance that has been disturbed. Harmony sits at the core of Libra’s wellbeing. When you put forth the effort to restore it, Libra natives are likely to recognize this and weigh it against the original offense in their own attempt to achieve balance. Your effort also can show them that you have acknowledged the unfairness and are working to correct it.
Of course, Libras are not always right. When they are guilty of a transgression, the best approach is to point it out and then simply let them be. More than likely, they will ruminate about it and realize their own wrongdoing.
Final Thoughts
This study investigated things that incite anger in Libras. Ten primary triggers were identified. Findings reveal that Libras have a very strong sense of fairness and justice. In fact, all of the ten triggers are interrelated and could be summarized under a single overarching theme of fairness. At the same time, each reported theme identifies catalyst that adds a unique dimension to what Libras mean by fairness and why it elicits anger in them.
Libras do not become enraged easily, mainly because they strive to maintain a state of harmony. However, when they do become angry, it can be difficult to win back their trust. The best method for winning over a Libra that is upset is to show a commitment to the truth and to justice.
I would like to thank the 54 individuals that unselfishly gave their time and enthusiastically participated in this study. Your dedication yielded the important information communicated on this website.
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