Capricorn is a sign with a movable modality and with an earth element. This means that its natives are flexible and practical. This sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet related to responsibility and duty.
Capricorn corresponds to the tenth house in the natural zodiac, the house of karma or actions. For this reason, its natives are inclined to carry out tasks or duties. When they are assigned a task, Capricorns feel an obligation to complete it. The process might take them two minutes or two weeks, but they will accomplish it in the end. They often are regarded as prized employees because of their dedication.

Ruled by Saturn, tamasic, from the ground, from the south, vigorous at night, ascends from behind, with large limbs, of many colors, moving in watery places, quadruped at the beginning and without feet at the end, that is how the water lover is imagined.
Saturn is the planet that represents the server. It is the signifier of tasks that require hard work with less remuneration. It represents the leaders of workers, workers in government services, engineers, day laborers, and other professions related to industry.
Capricorn is a tamasic sign
Capricorns are persevering and patient due to their earth element. They are motivated by solving the problems that arise, because it is a tamasic sign.
Tamas refers to rigidity, laziness, darkness, and ignorance. At first glance, these might not seem to coincide with what I’ve said previously about Capricorn. However, it is important to understand that words like rigidity do not have the same connotation in Eastern philosophy as they do in Western cultures. In this case, rigidity can refer to being disciplined and determined. Therefore, the tamasic nature of Capricorns that motivates them to solve problems can be interpreted as they take a disciplined approach to problems with a determination to solve them.
Capricorns will seek inner peace, and will have a desire to serve others. The weakening of Mars in the 7th house (Cancer) indicates that this desire for inner peace and serving others can be difficult to achieve if the native is excessively competitive or exerts dominance and force over others.
The influence of Saturn on Capricorn

In addition to being the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn also rules its 2nd house (Aquarius). This indicates the tendency for the values and self-esteem of Capricorn to be conditioned by his external actions. They will not feel good about themselves until they can provide materially for their family, or for themselves. Self-esteem could be reached later in life, because Saturn is slow to bear fruit.
Saturn is exalted in the 10th house (Libra
) for Capricorns. This again indicates the importance of the meaning of the 10th house for this sign as a doer, one inclined to perform external actions.
The actions and works of Capricorn will invariably achieve their reward. They will reach their goals through patience, humility and sensitivity. In those instances where they fail to achieve their goals, it is because they have strayed from the path indicated by Saturn and have acted in an excessively ambitious way, trying to use power or domination over others.
The influence of Mars on Capricorn

Mars is the planet that is exalted in Capricorn. It is very comfortable in this sign because Capricorn is the sign of duty and action. Virtues that characterize Mars, such as the planet that indicates duty and gives people the necessary strength to do what has to be done, to adhere to what is right despite difficulties, complement the sign of Capricorn very well.
Mars rules houses 4 (Aries) and 11 (Scorpio
) for the Capricorn native. Mars is the planet that is associated with farms and homes. It therefore tends to give Capricorns an interest in jobs related to the real estate or the desire to acquire or invest in this type of property.
The influence of other planets on Capricorn
The Moon is debilitated for the sign of Capricorn in the 11th house (Scorpio). This means that, if your are a Capricorn native, an excessively worldly behavior, which seeks only fame, will not bring you inner peace. To have inner peace, you should practice sensitivity with your partners and with your relationships in general, as shown by the rulership of the Moon in the 7th house (Cancer) of relationships for the sign of Capricorn.
Venus rules the 5th house (Taurus) and the 10th house (Libra) for the Capricorn native, a trikona house and an angular house respectively, which is why it is a very auspicious planet because it is the Yogakaraka planet. If you would like to learn more about Yogakaraka, I provide a more detailed explanation about it, along with angular and trikona houses, in my guide to Aquarius
Venus as the Yogakaraka planet also indicates the type of work that Capricorns would be inclined to do. Generally because the 10th house is ruled by Venus they may have a penchant for service-related professions such as medicine, business, and fashion.
Capricorn is the sign where the planet Jupiter is debilitated. For this native, the planet Jupiter rules the 12th house (Sagittarius) and the 3rd house (Pisces
). This gives Capricorns a tendency towards somewhat worldly behavior. It gives them the desire to be inclined towards material achievements. If Capricorn is your ascendant sign, you should be aware that excessive behavior of this type will remove them emotionally and spiritually from their partners or friendships. It will make differences with them take on an inflated importance. This is because Jupiter is exalted in the 7th house (Cancer) of relationships for the Capricorn native.
Relationships are essential to achieve a better level of spirituality for Capricorns.
Capricorn and health in Vedic Astrology

The planet that contributes to the health of the Capricorn native is the Sun, because Capricorn is not a moolatrikona sign. For Capricorns, the Gemini sign that constitutes their 6th house is also not a moolatrikona sign. Therefore the main indicator of health for a Capricorn is the Sun.
The body parts associated with Capricorns are the knees, kneecap, skin, bones and joints.

When Capricorns have health conditions, they usually are related to Vata-type disorders. In this way, a Capricorn person can have diseases related to constipation, heartburn due to dry mucous membranes, intestinal problems in general, arthritis, and skin diseases.
Planets that move slower around the Sun (Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu) can cause health problems for Capricorns when they transit Gemini. In addition, they can cause problems related to personal disputes and problems in their profession.
Health-related problems can also occur for Capricorn when Mercury, Venus and the Sun transit in the Gemini sign during the months of June and July.
Capricorn and love in Vedic Astrology

The house of romantic relationships for Capricorns is the 7th house (Cancer). Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Capricorns can have a wife or a husband that understands them and achieves a strong emotional connection with them if the Moon is strong in their birth chart. If Saturn, a planet related to the family houses (2 and 4) is strong in the birth chart, the Capricorn native will most likely be blessed with a good marriage. The same holds true for Mars, which is related to inner peace and the home. If it is strong, there is a tendency for a good marriage to follow.
Good relationships with others is essential for Capricorns to achieve inner peace. The Moon, as ruler of the 7th house for the Capricorn native, indicates that they can have deep intuition in relationships with couples, with others, or with the general public.
A strong Jupiter, exalted and far from the most effective Point in the 7th house, is preferred. This is because Jupiter is a malefic planet for Capricorns. The most effective Point is calculated according to the specific time of your birth. It is different for each person.
Career paths of Capricorn
The 10th house is the house of profession for any ascendant sign. For the Capricorn native, the 10th house corresponds to the sign of Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus. For this reason the main planet that determines the profession for Capricorns is Venus.
Common career paths for Capricorns include:
- Administrator
- Business owner
- Artist, especially singer or actor
- Medical doctor
- Nurse
- Therapist or counselor
- Real estate agent
- Engineer
- Construction
- Other industrial-related profession
- Investor or stockbroker
I am indebted to my professor, Sam Geppi, founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science, for his infinite patience and tenacity in teaching me many of the concepts expressed in this article.
I also appreciate the teachings of Professor VK Choudhry, founder of the very effective study of the natal chart: Systems Approach, the basis for effective and reliable readings.
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