Cancer is often stereotyped as the moodiest of all the zodiac signs, which is a somewhat well-deserved reputation. But what aspects of the Cancer personality make these individuals so moody?
The Cancer zodiac sign is governed by emotions, which causes its natives to be perceived as moody. They tend to ruminate, especially on past negative events. Although they try to project an air of being impervious to criticism, Cancers can seem erratic because of their emotional sensitivity.
Cancer may be a moody astrological sign, but this behavior is rooted in some strong personality traits. Read on to learn more about Cancer and why those born under this emotional sign are perceived as moody.
Cancer is governed by emotions
Unlike more logical zodiac signs, such as Sagittatius and Virgo
, Cancer natives are ruled
by both the element of water and the moon. That makes these among the most inconstant individuals in the zodiac. The moon is a strong symbol of inconstancy due to its continually changing phases, and the moods of Cancer can be seen as a parallel of these phases. [Source
Water is also the most inconstant element, and as a water sign, Cancer natives are prone to strong floods of overwhelming emotion. This can cause their moods to swing dramatically because they don’t have the composure to hide their feelings. These individuals are well-known for wearing their hearts on their sleeves, and it is hard for Cancers to keep their emotions to themselves. [Source
Because Cancers are emotional people, this can lead them to appear moody in the following scenarios:
- When they become overwhelmed by social gatherings
- When they feel criticized by another person
- When they are dealing with a major emotional blow such as a break-up
Even though the emotional nature of Cancer can make them come off as moody, this trait in Cancer is also a positive aspect of the sign. Emotional Cancers are almost supernaturally attuned to the moods of other people. These folks are great at cheering others up and knowing what they need.
Cancer becomes unstable outside of domestic comforts
Cancer is also a sign in the zodiac associated with domesticity—like Taurus, Cancers are homebodies and are most comfortable when surrounded by the comforts of home. When they are forced to spend too long away from home at work or school, these sensitive folks become exhausted, leading to erratic and moody behavior.
Unlike more resilient signs, Cancer can be somewhat dramatic about being denied creature comforts and might be the zodiac sign most likely to complain about a camping trip that involves roughing it for the weekend. Cancer also doesn’t tolerate skipping meals well or missing other routines that make them feel more stable in their daily lives.
To avoid becoming moody as the result of discomfort, Cancer natives should focus on self-care rituals that help alleviate some stress, such as the following:
- Getting plenty of sleep to avoid fatigue and irritability from sleep deprivation
- Eating a healthy diet
- Getting a moderate amount of exercise
- Preparing simple morning and evening routines for stability
Cancer may become moody when they are uncomfortable, but these mood swings can be avoided by making sure that Cancer stays physically comfortable and close to the security of home.
Cancer is a ruminating sign

Other signs of the zodiac may tend to focus more on the present or the future, but Cancer is a sign that focuses on the past. In worst-case scenarios, this can lead them to spend too much time brooding on past negative situations or on regrets for things that happened in the past that are beyond their control.
I had a work colleague that is a Cancer native. He was talented and capable at his job. When a supervisory position opened, he applied for it and was confident that he would be selected. The rest of us privately were hoping that he would not be hired for the position because of his moodiness. You never knew what to expect with him. One minute he could gracious and next be rancorously complaining about a perceived slight that occurred in the past.
When someone else was chosen for the position, he became very bitter. He took every opportunity to criticize the new supervisor and to point out the egregious mistake that the “idiots in management” had made in not selecting him for the position. He was so consumed by his indignation over this event that he eventually left the company. The rest of us sighed with relief.
This is a classic example of Cancer’s moodiness. It is possible that my colleague was the most qualified candidate for the job, but management had to consider more than just qualifications. He lacked leadership qualities and his moody behavior was well known among senior staff.
This is a bad habit of Cancer and can be one of the primary causes of them getting the reputation of being moody. It is especially true if Cancer also indulges in the habit of whining or complaining about their emotional insecurities to others. Because it is hard for Cancers to hide their emotions, they are likely to vent any time they get a chance if someone asks them what’s wrong.
Here are a few ways that Cancer natives can avoid giving in to negative ruminations:
- Focusing on present blessings: Cancers can combat a tendency to brood by making a daily habit of writing down the things they’re most grateful for. This can generally shift a Cancer’s perspective into one of enjoyment rather than regret. Cancer wants to be happy, and they can easily guide themselves in this way.
- Journaling feelings: Cancer can become overwhelmed with negative emotions if they allow themselves too much space in their minds, so a good way for Cancers to get these negative thoughts out is to write about them. Freewriting a few pages each morning is a great habit for Cancers to flush some of this mental clutter and come to the day with a more relaxed perspective.
Cancer might have a natural inclination to ruminate, but this is a habit that can be turned into positive and proactive introspection with just a little practice. As a result, the Cancer individual can become more emotionally stable and less moody.
Cancer vacillates between fierce independence and crushing sensitivity
Another reason that Cancer may appear to be moodier than other signs is that this sign wants to look tougher than they really are. This may cause Cancer individuals to lash out or act aggressively at a mild criticism – even though they are secretly crushed inside.
Cancer natives have a hard time balancing their hard-shelled exterior with their soft and extremely sensitive interior world. This can cause them to bounce erratically between the two in terms of external behavior toward others.
Cancer individuals can fight back against this tendency towards mood swing by cultivating their own mental and emotional health through the following strategies:
- Self-care and coping mechanisms: Because they are so emotional, Cancers are more susceptible than some other signs of the zodiac to stress, especially when it comes to social situations. To combat this stress, Cancers should practice self-care methods and other coping mechanisms designed to improve mental and emotional health.
- Being self-aware of their emotional states: Frequently, Cancers become almost overwhelmed by emotions. When they are carried away by their feelings, they are no longer able to identify what they’re feeling. Taking an emotional barometer check periodically throughout the day can help Cancer keep an eye on their emotional state and make them aware of what triggers their negative mood swings.
Cancer is a sign that is driven by nature to turn inward, and this can lead these individuals to some stunning insights into human behavior. However, it’s up to Cancers to take this same introspection and turn it on themselves to gain some emotional stability in their lives.
Cancer is a Sign of Contradictions
One of the main reasons Cancer natives are often perceived as moody is that they can act very contradictory. They can be the biggest romantics and the worst people to deal with in a break-up. They are emotionally open; however, they tend to carry an air of mystery with them as they attempt to hide their true feelings behind a hard, exterior shell of indifference.
To avoid being seen as moody, Cancers have to work harder than almost any other sign to foster emotional stability in their lives. Self-care and journaling are two ways that Cancer can help to control their mood swings and become more self-aware.
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