Virgos have a reputation for being the most judgmental of all the zodiac signs. But what makes them this way and is their reputation earned?
Virgos are judgmental because they have high standards and prefer a structured life. When things aren’t as perfect as Virgo thinks they should be, they can become frustrated and lash out at others for perceived mistakes or disappointments.
While this reputation may be spot on in some cases, Virgos are often seen as judgmental when they don’t intend to judge. Sometimes Virgos give off the impression of judging others for their failures because they tend to view the world through a more critical lens than most people. Keep reading to learn more about why Virgos are judgmental and what they can do to temper this trait.
Virgos have high standards
The main reason that Virgos are judgmental is that they have high standards, and the only way they can discern and enforce those high standards is to stand in judgment of how well people—themselves included—measure up to them.
This sense of high standards comes from Virgo’s constant attempts to find a better way. Those born under Virgo are among the most idealistic in the entire zodiac. At the extreme end of the spectrum, this can lead to Virgos displaying perfectionistic traits, even to the point of punishing themselves harshly if they can’t manage to do things exactly right.
Virgos are not hypocritical in their judgment. They judge themselves just as harshly as they do others. This is because Virgo is egalitarian in their sense of perfection. Virgos are even more firm in their standards because these visionaries are capable of seeing how the world should be according to their ideals. Bringing these ideals to life in the practical world is a different matter, however. The dissonance between real-world imperfections and the Virgo’s attempts to rectify them can lead to Virgos blowing even small flaws and problems out of proportion.
Virgos are detail-oriented people

Another aspect of Virgo’s personality that feeds into their judgmental nature is their tendency to focus on life’s intricate details. A Virgo is the kind of person who will notice a piece of parsley in someone’s teeth before they notice the rest of their face.
The danger for Virgos with this attention to detail is that it makes them feel entitled to count and quantify the details. Obsession over perfection and self-judgment can lead Virgos into mental health troubles such as the following:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Eating disorders
- Self-harm behaviors
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Because of this, the most dangerous aspect of Virgo’s judgment is the judgment they wield at themselves. Without making a point to cultivate self-esteem and a high sense of self-worth, Virgos may be prone to disordered behaviors centered around a warped body image or imposter syndrome.
Virgos may also be perceived as judgmental for pointing out a small flaw over the whole of a project. To a Virgo, the flaw’s striking detail will always stand out over the generally high quality of the whole.
Each zodiac sign has a corresponding contrary or polarity sign. For Virgo it is Pisces.
Our contrary sign serves to bring us closer to a state of harmony. It provides us with glimpses of qualities that we might find lacking in ourselves and gives us the motivation to modify some of our attributes to achieve greater balance. For example, Pisces is probably the least detail-oriented sign of all. They find emotional comfort in accepting things as they are at this moment on this day. They are laid back and are not always struggling to change things. Consequently, they are not quick to judge themselves or others. Virgo ascendants can benefit from understanding Pisces and adopting some of their best attributes.
One of the most difficult, but also most important, lessons for Virgo ascendants to learn, along with other perfectionistic signs, such as Capricorn and Scorpio
, is that if you always have to be the best at everything, there is no room for you to grow. You’re already the best! How can you grow? You have reached your ceiling and are destined to live a pretty boring and unfulfilling life because you are out of balance. A little less perfection is a good thing.
Virgos observe the world
As an Earth sign, Virgos are grounded and are one of the most perceptive signs. Virgo can intuit the depth of a situation in real-time, and these people can recall small details of a conversation from earlier to analyze in private later. If they make observations to others about any of the things they see in a negative light, they may gain the reputation of being a judgmental gossip.
Often Virgo will not make negative observations about other people or situations out of a sense of wanting to pass judgment on them—Virgo is often so wrapped up in their quest for perfection that another person’s weaknesses are trivial. But they often feel the need to point out others’ faults, which can make them seem nitpicky and petty.
But Virgo isn’t nitpicking to tear others down. They are simply hardwired to identify problems and attempt to fix them. They may understand that they can’t fix the world, but it generally won’t stop them from griping about the parts they deem less than ideal.
Virgos Live a Structured Life (and Think Others Should Too)

To force order on a chaotic world, Virgos often are inclined to organize a regimented lifestyle that optimizes their health, time management, and goal setting. Virgo ascendants are the kings and queens of the to-do list.
The Chicago Bears of the NFL (American football) had a quarterback – the leader of the offense – named Mitchell Trubisky from 2017-2020. In an article about him during his second year with the team, it was revealed that he planned out each day in 15-minute increments on an Excel spreadsheet. I thought to myself that this extreme micromanaging behavior must mean that he is a Virgo ascendant.
By living a structured life, Virgo often sees the benefits of routines and can see how chaotic the lives of their friends and relatives seem in comparison. By pushing their rigid lifestyles on others, they’re not trying to judge—they’re trying to improve someone else’s ability to cope in the world.
Virgo may pass judgment on themselves through a planner. While ticking off important items fuels a Virgo’s need to put the world in its place, the never-ending nature of these tasks may wear a Virgo thin over time if they try too hard to be perfect.
Virgos can become overwhelmed
The world isn’t perfection, and Virgo’s high standards may lead them to have a meltdown if things don’t go exactly according to plan. Things going wrong can cause a Virgo to lash out and blame others, which can cause them to be perceived as judgmental or even hypocritical if the fault is partially their own.
Those who love Virgos should remember that these high-strung Earth signs only want the best for themselves and everyone else. If they occasionally snap under the pressure of those expectations, it’s only out of an overabundance of good intention.
Here are a few ways that Virgo can chill out when they start to become overwhelmed in life, and it causes them to judge themselves and others harshly:
- Take a forest bath. As an Earth sign, Virgos are most comfortable when they are close to natural surroundings. In Japan, the practice of shinrin yoku or forest bathing
is an accepted part of medical care. Time in natural environments relieves stress, increases immune function, and improves cognitive performance. When Virgos make time to bathe themselves in nature, it causes them to soften towards their environment and regard the world in a less judgmental light.
- Keep a bullet journal. Virgos become overwhelmed when they cannot keep track of the many lenses through which they observe the world. A bullet journal
or BuJo is a mix between a to-do list, a diary, and written meditation. It can help Virgo ascendants to manage the chaos of their daily lives by simplifying and proactively addressing their constant barrage of critical thoughts.
- Declutter your environment. Visual clutter can cause a Virgo ascendant to become subconsciously stressed even when they don’t realize it. This sign thrives in minimalist interiors that give off an air of sleek and calculated perfection. If a Virgo finds themselves frequently overwhelmed in cluttered or cramped environments, they should rearrange things to find some visual balance.
- Drink an herbal tea. Drinking tea is a soothing, ritualistic activity that can calm Virgo’s jangled nerves, and the herbs in the tea help draw this sign closer to its Earth roots.
Virgos can avoid being perceived as judgmental if they take the time to make sure that their thoughts remain clearheaded and forgiving.
Virgos judge because they see clearly
If Virgo seems judgmental, it is because this visionary sign sees the world with a clear and uncompromising eye. At their best, Virgo is the type of person who is always striving to make the world a better place (and often succeeding at it). At their worst, this tendency to judge—both themselves and others—can cause Virgo to collapse under the weight of their own criticism.
- Headline photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh on Unsplash
- Smart-watch photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash
- To-do list photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
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