The fourth house is related to emotions, feelings, and the ability to achieve inner peace. When we begin a project, whether it is work or pleasure, or when we embark on an activity or hobby as indicated by the third house, it will lead us to a certain level of satisfaction, happiness or inner peace. Alternatively, these activities could bring us worries, concerns, and frustrations.
Houses in a natal chart are related to each other. Their order in a natal chart indicates the evolution of the soul in this incarnation, and also gives us information about its evolution in past lives.
We seek to feel good in the activities that we initiate. This is what the fourth house is all about. But it can be more complex than this.
Vehicles and others, relatives, mother, happiness, as well as other similar desires, deposits, land and the house are considered related to the fourth house.
Whatever we do will result in something that provokes a variety of feelings in us. Life within us is related to the fourth house.
When Planets Are in the Fourth house

There are planets in Astrology that are considered naturally beneficial planets. These are gentle planets, like the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. The other planets are malefic: Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. The Sun is a slightly malefic planet. It is important to remember that the term malefic in Vedic Astrology does not have the same meaning as it does in Western culture. Malefic planets bring challenges that help us evolve along our spiritual path. At times, they can be unpleasant, but they are not inherently evil.
For example, if Rahu is in your fourth house, you may be susceptible to fear and anxiety. Mars in your 4th house can make you prone to expressing rage. On the other hand, if Saturn is in the 4th house, you are more likely to feel sad and restless.
It is preferable then to have in our fourth house planets that are gentle, as they will make our inner life something more peaceful.
The Fourth house and the sign of Cancer

The fourth house is related to the emotional sign of Cancer in the natural zodiac, and that is why it has many characteristics associated with this sign. The planet that represents the 4th house is the Moon; the Moon is the planet of emotions.
In a previous article we studied the first house, which is the house of Dharma or “duty.” We mentioned that the first house marks the moment when a soul reincarnates. The birth of a human being has a meaning or purpose, expressed by the “duty” or the dharma that that person will live in this world. It also is the house that represents the body.
The second house is related to Artha, which signifies support and material comfort. Enjoyment and pleasure are related to the third house
. This enjoyment, the implementation of plans and projects in a person’s life are also carried out for one reason or more. The main reason for most people to exist is to make ourselves feel good. It is here that we enter the realm of the fourth house.
Achieving inner peace requires detachment

The fourth house is related to Moksha, which is a Sanskrit word that means liberation. Liberation is letting go, detaching. We might interpret this to mean that the fourth house has nothing to do with feeling good. After all, detachment can bring us problems in many instances. However, this way of thinking is usually due to the soul forgetting its true nature.
Our youth is marked by constant stimulation and activity. The joys that arise from these activities are fleeting. For example, the stimulation caused by dating could bring joy to people but also numerous concerns and sadness.
We are all born happy. Along the way, our lives get dirty, but we can clean it up. Happiness is not exuberant or boisterous, like pleasure or joy. It is silent, calm, soft; it is an internal state of satisfaction that begins with loving yourself.
Isabel Allende – Chilean author
Inner peace therefore begins with detachment. This is not to say that you should be devoid of feelings, or show indifference to others. What Allende means is that what happens outside should not cause an uproar inside of us. If we know the meaning of attachment we can realize what detachment is.
Zodiac signs that have water as an element are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
. These signs are the most emotional. This does not mean that the other signs that have earth, air and fire as elements do not have emotions or feelings. Rather, emotions and feelings are a central theme in the lives of people with water signs. Their activities all stem from their emotions; intellect typically is in background.
In an article we recently published about Cancer and its relationship to forgiveness, we mentioned that this sign could have certain challenges in dealing with forgiving others.
Anyone can experience difficulty forgiving others, not just Cancer ascendants. But the challenges usually are more pronounced in extremely sensitive and emotional people. Having an inner life rich in emotions and feelings also can lead to emotions that are not entirely healthy. For example, attachment can give way to feelings related to jealousy and resentment.
When detachment begins, people may become more generous. The fourth house also is related to the mother. As the fourth house evolves throughout our lives, when the emotions that cause obsessions, jealousy, and resentment, along with any sought-after emotion that causes stimulation, are left behind, the detachment will give rise to a state in which we strive to nurture others emotionally, as a mother would.
Perhaps now it might be easier to understand why on the way to loving God, it is necessary to love others and serve them.
The highest degree that a person can reach in his fourth house is to merge with the love of God. This could be through prayer and meditation, or through service to others.
Divine love is unconditional, limitless, immutable. The fickleness of the human heart disappears forever before the ecstatic touch of pure love.
Paramahamsa Yogananda
The 4th house in a birth chart can also be related to properties such as a house or a car. It also is related to studies and the most basic emotions.
- Headline photo by ruedi häberli on Unsplash
- Forest walkway photo by Iva Rajović on Unsplash
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