The Cancer zodiac sign in Vedic Astrology

Cancer corresponds to the fourth sign in the natural zodiac, this means; counting from the sign of Aries.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the planet that is related to the mind, inner peace, feelings, and sensitivity. The Moon represents the mother. It is the karaka of the 4th house. This means that it is the signifier of everything related to the 4th house. Peace in the home, the heart, and the family.

The Moon, or Chandra in Sanskrit, does not generate light by itself; rather it reflects light that emanates from the Sun. From a Vedic Astrology perspective, the Moon reflects divine light. For living beings, this represents our lifelong evolution to be a vessel for this divine light and to reflect it to others. As this ability to reflect divine light evolves throughout this life’s journey, we become more adept at contemplating situations prior to taking action, safeguarding that the karmicOpens in a new tab. consequences of those actions are positive.

The Moon is the most changeable planet

Wait! The moon is a planet?

In Astronomy, it is not. But in Vedic Astrology both the Moon and the Sun are referred to as planets. In this context, planet is a synonym for the word Graha. In Sanskrit Graha means that which catches and indicates the influence that the Sun and Moon have on the lives of living beings.

For Cancer natives, the Moon is the main planet. Because the Moon changes its sign about every two and a half days, Cancers are the most changeable people in the zodiac when it comes to their emotional state.

What? Does the Moon really change its sign about every 2 ½ days?

Yes. The Moon makes one revolution around the Earth relative to the stars, known as a sidereal month, approximately every 27.32 days. During its monthly rotation, the Moon passes through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for a little less than 2 ½ days.

Because of the Moon’s influence, Cancer natives tend to be very sensitive. Similar to the protective shell of the crab, the symbol that represents them, Cancers can be very self-protective. For this reason, it sometimes is difficult to know what they are feeling or thinking, because they hide their feelings from others.

Pink in color, moving in the water, a brahmin [supreme self], vigorous at night, with many mobile legs, with a robust body, endowed with Sattva, watery, and stands up on its back, thus the sign of the crab ruled by the Moon is thought.


Cancer is a water element

Cancer is a water element sign. It is a sign related to moksha (letting go, detachment, freedom) and represents our receptive emotional mind. Its modality is movable, meaning that they generally like to take action. For more information about elements and modalities of signs, refer to our page 5 fundamental concepts in Vedic Astrology.Opens in a new tab.

The movable modality gives Cancer natives flexibility. They find it very easy to change their minds, initiate new projects, and even move their place of residence or their work. However, their tendency to make snap decisions highlights Cancer’s lifelong challenge to embrace the evolutionary path of being a vessel for, and a reflector of, divine light, making their decisions not just expedient but also wise.

The Cancer native is generally a homebody. Their principal motivator in life is family. For a young Cancer woman, it is natural to dream of having children and starting a family. This is because the Moon is the planet that represents motherhood and unconditional love, like that given to a child.

There are certain debilitationsOpens in a new tab. for Cancer natives. This is because the Moon is the planet that moves faster, such that 25% of the time, the Moon will be in a dushtana or malefic house. Therefore, 1 out of every 4 Cancer natives could have their main weak planet, in one of the malefic houses at 6, 8 and 12. Dushtana or maleficent does not have the meaning of evil, as it does in Western cultures. Rather it means that they are houses that offer important lessons that could be more difficult to learn.

Mars is one of the most beneficial planets for Cancer. Mars rulesOpens in a new tab. for them a trikona house (5th house) and an angular house (10th house). Mars is therefore a Yogakaraka for this ascendant sign. It is also the planet that determines the profession for Cancers. If you want to learn more about Yogakaraka, I provide a more detailed explanation about it, along with the angular houses and trikona, in my Aquarius guideOpens in a new tab..

Malefic planets for Cancer

According to System Approach, the Vedic Astrology system for interpreting natal charts developed by professor V.K. Choudhry, the planets Jupiter and Saturn act as malefic planets along with Rahu and Ketu for Cancer natives.

Malefic planets for Cancer are those that have a slow journey around the zodiac. Due to this, Cancers can experience periods of great well-being, in which the problems that afflict them are less frequent. However, when problems do appear for Cancer they can last a long time.

Jupiter is the planet that is exaltedOpens in a new tab. in Cancer and the ruler of its 6th house (SagittariusOpens in a new tab.), which is a difficult house for Cancer natives. This house is related to discord, illness and debt. But it is also the home of hard work. The significance of this exaltation is that through the resolution of conflicts where they have acted ethically, the Cancer natives will increase their knowledge and wisdom.

Jupiter is debilitatedOpens in a new tab. in the the 7th house (CapricornOpens in a new tab.) for Cancer. This indicates that their value system could be compromised if they take on that of their partner. This could cause problems, arguments, or even affect their health.

Saturn is the main malefic planet for Cancer

The principal malefic planet for Cancer is Saturn, as it rules its 8th house (AquariusOpens in a new tab.). Known as Ayu Bhava in Sanskrit, the 8th House governs lifespan, death, and sudden events. In particular, it impacts the nature of death. It could be sudden or slow; peaceful or painful.

The 8th house also is related to sudden changes in various aspects of life, especially gains and losses in wealth. Generally, it is linked to the ebb and flow of life experiences connected to happiness and contentment.

The 8th house is malefic because it is the house of transformations. These typically are in the form of difficult lessons that must be learned in order for a Cancer to evolve to become a vessel for, and a reflector of, divine light. These lessons can be tortuous, but also rewarding. For example, a person may inherit sudden wealth due to the death of a cherished relative only to lose all or most of their newfound fortune because they followed bad investment advice. Although this experience would create substantial misery, it can guide the person to withdraw from material pleasures and bring them closer to spiritual liberation. This helps us to understand that the difficult lessons lead to transformation of the soul and, by its purification, the elimination of bad karmaOpens in a new tab..

The health of Cancer natives

Areas of the body associated with this zodiac sign are the thoracic cavity, heart, lungs, and breast.

The determining planets of health for Cancer natives are the Moon and Jupiter, which rules the 6th house (Sagittarius), the house of health and disease.

If these planets are strong, they will enjoy good health. However, if they are not strong or if they are afflicted by malefic planets, Cancer natives can be vulnerable to diseases related to the chest, heart, lungs, and breasts. They may also suffer from mental health disorders, diseases of the epigastric region or liver, as well as problems related to the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

When health conditions are present in Cancer natives, they often are related to Kapha-type disorders. This is because Cancer’s element is water. In this way, a Cancer native may have health problems, such as nasal congestion, cough with expectoration, and slow digestion due to an excess of Kapha in the stomach.

Cancer and love in Vedic Astrology

The house of romantic relationships for Cancer is the 7th house, which corresponds to the sign of Capricorn. But this house does not belong to a moolatrikona sign.

In this case, the planet that rules the ascendant sign becomes the main determinant of success in amorous relationships or marriage. For the Cancer native, it is the Sun. If the Sun is strong, and if there are no afflictions for the houses related to harmony in the marriage, the Cancer native will enjoy a very good relationship or marriage.

Career paths of Cancer

The 10th house is related to professions. For the Cancer native, the 10th house corresponds to the sign of AriesOpens in a new tab., whose ruler is Mars. Therefore, Mars is the main determinant of career paths for Cancer. Additionally, the influence of other planets on the 10th, 1st and 2nd houses help to determine the professions of Cancer natives.

Common career paths for Cancers include:

  • Physician
  • Nurse
  • Teacher
  • Salesperson
  • Counselor or therapist
  • Mathematician
  • Chef
  • Restauranteur
  • Hospitality specialist


I am indebted to my professor, Sam Geppi, founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science, for his infinite patience and tenacity in teaching me many of the concepts expressed in this article.

I also appreciate the teachings of Professor VK Choudhry, founder of the very effective study of the natal chart: Systems Approach, the basis for effective and reliable readings.

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